A Communication Framework among Reusable Agents
integrating Eye-Tracking in Interactive Applications
What is UsyBus ?
UsyBus is a communication framework for autonomous, tight coupling among reusable agents. Agents may be responsible for collecting data from eye-trackers, analyzing eye movements, and managing communication with other modules of an interactive application.
The UsyBus model is a multi-agent software architecture where agents interact with each other in an autonomous way. UsyBus adopts a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) paradigm: any UsyBus agent can send data to the data exchange bus via one or many channels, and receive data in the same way. Communication channels are defined by UsyBus data types.
Agents connected to UsyBus can emit and retrieve data on the data exchange bus without taking care about other agents, thus remaining autonomous. In other words, sending agents do not need to know to which agent data is sent, and receiving agents do not need to know from which agent the data is coming from.
For example, one sending agent retrieves raw oculometric data from an eye-tracker and sends formatted gaze point data, another sending/receiving agent receives these points, calculates the fixations, and sends these fixations, and at last, another receiving agent retrieves all these data and displays them.

Data transmitted in messages that are exchanged between UsyBus agents must respect the UsyBus datagram format. The datagram is structured into two parts: the header that contains metadata, such as the version of the bus, the type of data and the origin of the data, and the payload that contains the data to be processed by the receiving agent(s).
Datagram structure uses a JSON-inspired format:
All fields are mandatory and must be completed in the order indicated:
- UB2
: indicates the version of UsyBus datagram, here it is the version 2.
- type: defines the type of data, possibly with one or more sub-types indicated after and
separated (by convention) from the type by the colon character ":" which is a reserved
character (by convention) for types and sub-types.
- from: defines the name of the application that produces the data, it is usually the name of the application that implements the agent.
- The following fields define the data. The data format is of the form variable=value. If
several data are transmitted, the separator character between these data is the semicolon
character ";" which is a reserved character in the UsyBus datagram.
- There is no terminator character in the message.
To avoid compatibility issues with charsets, UsyBus datagram uses only US-ASCII characters. The semicolon character ";" is a reserved character and should never be used outside of its use as a separator.
The POSIX regular expression used to recognize a syntactically valid UsyBus datagram is:
Messaging system
UsyBus agents use the open-source Ivy software library ( as messaging library. The Ivy’s authors describe it as "a simple protocol and a set of open-source (LGPL) libraries and programs that allows applications to broadcast information through text messages, with a subscription mechanism based on regular expressions".
The implementation of UsyBus uses the binding mechanism of Ivy, limiting it to the header
part of messages defining their type. Any UsyBus agent could be implemented directly with the Ivy library while respecting the UsyBus framework. However, to support the UsyBus use with Ivy, specific UsyBus libraries are implemented in Java. Any other language can implement UsyBus, providing the Ivy library is available for that language (e.g., Python, C++).

Main Data Types
If the datagram format is the corner stone of the UsyBus framework, the data types must be considered as keystones. As developers can create UsyBus agents with no knowledge about the agents to which they will be connected, the definition of UsyBus data types must be precise and unambiguous both syntactically and semantically. Incorrect or incoherent definitions of data types may produce communications mismatches between agents in the dataflow, and as a consequence, unexpected behaviors of applications. This is why a significant effort must be devoted to the specification and the documentation of data types. Main data types are documented below.
Remark: In almost all data types, a "device" parameter distinguishes different transmitters providing the same type of data to guarantee unicity. In the context of eye-tracking, the "device" parameter represents the name of the surface monitored by an eye-tracker that the user is looking at. Usually, there is only one "device" per eye-tracker and per experiment, and its name is the DNS short name of the computer that host the eye-tracker controller. In some cases, there may be several "devices" per experiment (when there are several eye-tracker) or per eye-tracker (when an eye-tracker can monitor several surfaces).
This type of message is usually sent by an eye-tracker controller. This data type describes the point the user is looking at on the screen for a defined timecode. The point is sent only if the coordinates are considered reliable by the eye-tracker. It consists of the gaze coordinates in pixels on the screen where the user’s eyes are looking at. The type also has an optional fixed information specifying whether the gaze point belongs to a fixation.

Long tc  timecode (milliseconds since the epoch)
String device name of the device (alphanumeric)
Integer x x-axis coordinate of the point in the screen (pixels)
Integer y y-axis coordinate of the point in the screen (pixels)
Boolean fixed (optional) fixation indication (true or false)
Pupils Sizes
This type of message is usually sent by an eye-tracker controller. This data type describes the diameters of the two pupils of the user for a defined timecode. The diameters values are expressed in the device-specific format of the eye-tracker system, and should be considered as relative to the distance between the user and the eye-tracker, unless otherwise indicated.

Long tc timecode (milliseconds since the epoch)
String device name of the device (alphanumeric)
Double left left pupil diameter (device-specific format)
Double right right pupil diameter (device-specific format)
This type of message is usually sent by an eye-tracker controller. This type represents the current time of the eye-tracker device real time clock. The value may be different than the host computer system time. This message may be used for synchronization purposes. The device parameter is not required since the real time clock is not linked with a specific screen.

Long tc timecode (milliseconds since the epoch)
This type of message is usually sent by the system that manages the screen seen by the user. This type describes the dimensions of the screen the user is looking at. This message is usually sent at the beginning of data collection to setup graphical monitoring systems.

Long tc timecode (milliseconds since the epoch)
String device name of the device (alphanumeric)
Integer width width of the screen (pixels)
Integer height height of the screen (pixels)
This type of message is usually sent by the eye movement analysis system. This type describes a fixation in the sense of the result of the analysis of eye movements. The type contains the position of the fixation on the screen, the mean radius, the maximum radius, and the duration of the fixation. Fixations are detected by a selectable ad-hoc algorithm. The timecode refers to the first point that belongs to the fixation.

Long tc timecode (milliseconds since the epoch)
String device name of the device (alphanumeric)
Integer x x-axis coordinate of the center of the fixation in the screen (pixels)
Integer y y-axis coordinate of the center of the fixation in the screen (pixels)
Integer meanradius mean radius of the fixation (pixels)
Integer maxradius maximum radius of the fixation (pixels)
Long duration duration of the fixation (milliseconds)
This type of message is usually sent by the target application that implements the user interface seen by the user. The zone represents an area of interest to analyse. Four types of zones are defined: rectangular, circular, elliptical, and punctual. Two virtual types of zones are defined: zone-to-remove and zone-to-remove-all to indicate the disappearance of one or all zones respectively. The type contains the position, the dimensions, and the name of the zone. The name of the zone must be unique for a specific device. The optional widget parameter can be used for the expanded eye-tracking monitor.

Long tc timecode (milliseconds since the epoch)
String device name of the device (alphanumeric)
String type (ZoneCircle, ZoneEllipse, ZonePoint, ZoneRectangle, ZoneToRemove, or ZoneToRemoveAll) type of the zone (enumeration)
String name (for all but ZoneToRemoveAll) name of the zone (alphanumeric)
String widget (optional / for all but ZoneToRemoveAll) widget type of the zone (alphanumeric)
Integer x (for ZoneCircle, ZoneEllipse, ZonePoint) x-axis coordinate of the center (pixels)
Integer y (for ZoneCircle, ZoneEllipse, ZonePoint) y-axis coordinate of the center (pixels)
Integer x1 (for ZoneRectangle) x-axis coordinate of the upper left corner (pixels)
Integer y1 (for ZoneRectangle) y-axis coordinate of the upper left corner (pixels)
Integer x2 (for ZoneRectangle) x-axis coordinate of the lower right corner (pixels)
Integer y2 (for ZoneRectangle) y-axis coordinate of the lower right corner (pixels)
Integer r (for ZoneCircle) radius of the circle (pixels)
Integer a (for ZoneEllipse) demi-width of the ellipse (pixels)
Integer b (for ZoneEllipse) demi-height of the ellipse (pixels)
Fixation in Zone
This message is usually sent by the eye movement analysis system. The fixation in zone type describes the zone that a user fixed during a certain amount of time.

Long tc timecode (milliseconds since the epoch)
String device name of the device (alphanumeric)
String name name of the zone (alphanumeric)
Long duration duration of fixation in the zone (milliseconds)
Cognitive Load
This type of message is usually sent by an eye-tracker controller. The type represents the data of the right and left Index of Cognitive Activity (ICA).

Long tc timecode (milliseconds since the epoch)
String device name of the device (alphanumeric)
Double lICA left index of cognitive activity (numeric in 0..1)
Double rICA right index of cognitive activity (numeric in 0..1)
This type of message is usually sent by the cognitive load monitor. The type represents the current user task.

Long tc timecode (milliseconds since the epoch)
String device name of the device (alphanumeric)
String taskname name of the task (alphanumeric)

Reusable Agents
This part is still under construction:
the source code license is to be determined
A substantive set of UsyBus agents has been developed within research and development projects. Agents that are reusable across projects are listed below. All UsyBus agent required the Ivy library (

The Eye Tribe Controller
The Eye Tribe Controller interfaces any “Eye Tribe” ( eye-tracker device to the data exchange bus.

Data types received: none

Data types sent:
- eyetracking:point
- eyetracking:pupils
- eyetracking:time
- eyetracking:device

User interface:

Executable: under construction

Source code: under construction

Required software: Eye Tribe SDK (
Widget Tracker Library
The Widget Tracker library is a utility library that tracks the positions of the widgets in a graphical user interface, and sends the geometry of these widgets as Zone messages on the bus. The library is not, strictly speaking, an agent since is it not a stand-alone application, but the library, when used by an application, enables that application to automatically create an agent on the bus. The library is compatible with any application that uses the Java Swing graphical library.

Data types received: none

Data types sent:
- eyetracking:zone

User interface: N/A

Executable: N/A

Source code: under construction
Eye Tracking Analyzer
The Eye Tracking Analyzer is composed of two virtual agents, an Eye Gaze Fixations Filter and a Fixations in Zones Detector, which share the same user interface. The Eye Gaze Fixations Filter agent captures data concerning eye gaze points and returns new data concerning the eye fixations to the bus. The analysis can be performed with several algorithms such as the Dispersion-Threshold Identification (I-DT) algorithm. The Fixations in Zones Detector agent captures the fixations and zones, and returns the fixations in zones, that is which zones have been fixed, and for how long time the fixation lasts in them.

Data types received:
- eyetracking:point
- eyetracking:zone

Data types sent:
- eyetracking:fixation
- eyetracking:fixinzone

User interface:

Executable: under construction

Source code: under construction
Pupils Sizes Monitor
The Pupils Sizes Monitor agent is a simple monitoring agent displaying the pupil size for both eyes. This agent is often used to monitor whether the eye-tracker "sees" the user, since pupil size is the first data an eye-tracker captures when detecting user’s eyes.

Data types received:
- eyetracking:pupils

Data types sent: none

User interface:

Executable: under construction

Source code: under construction
Eye Tracking Monitor
The Eye Tracking Monitor agent is a monitoring agent that displays in real time the gaze points, the fixations, the zones, and the fixations in the zones. As the Eye Tracking Monitor agent displays almost all eye-tracking related data that are available on the bus, it is primarily used for debugging or for monitoring an experiment.

Data types received:
- eyetracking:point
- eyetracking:fixation
- eyetracking:zone
- eyetracking:fixinzone
- eyetracking:device

Data types sent: none

User interface:

Executable: under construction

Source code: under construction

Reference Article:
Francis Jambon and Jean Vanderdonckt. 2022. UsyBus: A Communication Framework among Reusable Agents integrating Eye-Tracking in Interactive Applications. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 6, EICS, Article 157 (June 2022), 36 pages.

About Us...
Francis JAMBON
Laboratoire d'Informatique
de Grenoble (LIG)
Université Grenoble Alpes

Louvain Research Institute in Management and Organizations (LouRIM)
Université catholique de Louvain